In Argentine politics, Massa's ideological plasticity is proverbial, and in tune with the national idiosyncrasy, he is simultaneously a reason for admiration, rejection and irony. These are feelings that can even coexist in contradictory harmony. His changes of sign and political orientation depending on the circumstances are the input of a true meme factory, which had its peak of productivity in the last week. "Little advantage" ex-president Macri knew how to baptize it, in a nickname that made history. But Massa was also the only Peronist politician who faced and defeated at the polls, in his Bonerense hinterland , with his Renewal Front, Cristinismo in its maximum splendor.
Two souls coexist in tension: that of the professional politician who adores and needs to be voted for, and that of the political operator,broker of Argentine power, who is south africa phone number list looking for "alternative paths" to pursue his ambitions. The main one, the Presidency of the Republic. This contradiction is now visible in its fullest expression. The current Massa - a Massa of power - built an iron alliance with two of the most important corporate sectors in Argentina: the national businessmen of the "regulated markets" (national euphemism to refer to the private actors who need the state ecosystem to live and prosper) and La Cámpora (led by Máximo Kirchner, son of the vice president), the formerly youthful political organization that today brings together what was left of the nomenklatura of the Christian civil service and that dominates key strategic sectors of the State.
The same one that Massa threatened to sweep precisely from those positions. But we must not forget that the popular Massa always built its image and its electoral advances against Christianity. After the massive electoral victory of 2011 with 54% of the votes, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner explicitly proposed the formation of her own space, exclusive and exclusive, within Peronism, and a massive and radical "generational transfer" with a succession idea clear, based on La Cámpora (which had among its implicit objectives to slit the throat of Massa's political generation.