Graphic extensions Source swordstreamblogws google-image-extensions Test phase Sometimes it happens that certain messages did not work out the way you expect. To avoid mishaps and catch the best configurations, it is worth conducting tests. If you're just starting out and using a manual or semi-automatic bidding strategy like CPC or ECPC, you can choose between two options in your campaign settings optimization or alternating ads. Don't know which one you should choose? Consider whether you are sure that any of your ad assets are better than others.
If so - set the first variant. Otherwise, start by alternating ads to determine the winner. However, if you're relying on an automat bid strategy, later on, Responsive Text Ads (RSA) will be a better Japan WhatsApp Number List option, using as many headline and description fields as possible. Google's algorithms will alternately display various combinations in the first phase, and then select the best ones and evaluate your resources in terms of their attractiveness. Change those whose quality is rat as low, to new ones - this will allow you to constantly improve your ads to make them better and more effective.
Configuration of web events and domain verification on Facebook Oscar Sparrow February , You will read in ~ min. FB changes iOS Apple has recently introduc a number of changes to its privacy policy in its IOS . of conversion events, including but not limit to with tools such as the Facebook pixel. Not surprisingly, this has had a direct impact on Facebook advertisers. Conversion event setup warnings have appear in many people's ad accounts. In this article, we will discuss the changes in more detail, as well as show you step-by-step how to adapt to the latest changes. Major changes to iOS policy Apple will require all apps in the APP Store to display a user tracking message.